The art of the cake by WENES


With lots of butter in it, of course.

Galette des rois with a crown on top. Close-up view

Between passionate debates on the best cutting technique to subtly find out where the precious bean is hidden, and the hunt for the youngest to divide up the slices according to the rules of the art of the galette by WENES, the whole team took advantage of this gourmet break to spend a lovely moment of sharing.

There was something for everyone! Some only eat it with apple
What about you? Team apple or frangipane? 

The competition was tough, but the galette did the talking!
Our kings and queens of the 2024 vintage are...

Kelly LAWSONDamien PfliegerClémence TozettiLisa MELBOUCI

Charline the founder serving the galette des rois
Equipe Wenes, a slice of galette des rois on a plate
Charline the founder serving the galette des rois
Equipe Wenes, a slice of galette des rois on a plate
A project? Let's talk